St. Supéry Estate Vineyards & Winery

St. Supéry Estate Vineyards & Winery

Rutherford, California


In the Rutherford appellation of Napa Valley, St. Supéry Estate Vineyards and Winery produces 100% estategrown, certified Napa Green wines. Napa Green is one of the most comprehensive environmental accreditations in the wine industry, covering every step from soil to bottle.

St. Supéry has taken numerous strides to reduce its carbon footprint. In the fields, two thirds of the property’s nearly 1,600 acres is left in its natural state, encouraging biodiversity. Water usage has been reduced by 50% in the past five years, and all process water is recycled. Organic solids from the winemaking process are composted back to the vineyard, and reduced and no-till systems have increased, reducing emissions and preventing erosion.

In the winery, St. Supéry’s solar arrays have offset more than 90% of the winery’s energy bill. Glass purchases are sourced in North America and include recycled glass. Paper products average 60%+ recyclable materials.

Beyond sustainability, St. Supéry works to make a lasting difference in its local community and beyond. Through a variety of philanthropic efforts, the winery embraces a philosophy of approaching others with care and compassion, focusing on similarities and embracing differences, to help people and make the planet a better place.

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